I am leaving my workplace after putting in a long day. Upon leaving the building, my foot caught a hole in the ground covered by grass, leading to a mother of an ankle roll and subsequently collapsing to the ground. It's amazing what the mind is capable of processing within a moment's time. In the voice of James Earl Jones, "Ohhhhh, F&#*!" slowly resonated through my inner ear as I accepted my immediate fate. Purse, appointment book and laptop bag skidded down the parking lot as my body gave out, lurched forward and was stopped only by my hands hitting the pavement before anything else. Within a few minutes, a coworker ran outside and ushered me to the nurse's office. Shaking, crying, and rubbing my belly, I hardly noticed that 911 had been called and the four burly EMTs jogging into the office with a well-practiced cadence. My vitals checked out just fine, and although I knew that I was going to be a-ok, I was instructed by my OB to go to the hospital to get the once over.
Josh met me on the OB floor, where I was admitted for a few hours. As expected, everything turned out just fine, and I was able to get an extra ultrasound out of it (mua hahaha). The best part was that Josh was able to be there for the ultrasound, as he was out of town for this morning's appointment.
I thought I would be limping around all Memorial Day weekend; luckily enough, however, I felt fine by Friday morning, when Josh and I hit the open road for a trip to Coronado Island. It was a vacation we planned months ago, something we consider a "last hoorah" before our lives are blissfully changed and we are on the clock at all times. As we had hoped, the weekend was perfect; relaxing, on no particular schedule, and simply ours. Remember my maternity bathing suit post? Yeah, I got to wear it, and I'll tell you, I felt kind of cute. Our friend Aura was in town for a pilates convention, so we had the opportunity to have dinner with her and catch up. It was a real treat for us as she and her husband Rick live on the east coast, so seeing them happens not nearly as frequently as we'd like.
Which takes us to the here and now. My ultrasound this morning went very well. To date, BabyK measures 3 lbs and 10 oz, which puts him in the 68th percentile for size. He was a little stubborn showing us anything but his boy parts, which were on display like the Hope Diamond. His little face was nuzzled into my hip, so we didn't get a great mug shot, but from what I can tell, and elimiating any bias whatsoever........he's the most gorgeous human being I've ever laid eyes on.
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Coronado Beach....7.5 months pregnant |