Welcome! Glad you're here.

Welcome, family and friends! In an attempt to avoid chronic and obsessive Facebook updates ("Max had an A+ burp this morning!") and grainy ultrasound picture's of baby's right elbow (. . . you mean, not each of my 400 friends care to see this?), here you will find updates on Baby Kaplan, our journey into parenthood (the good, the bad, and the drooly), and living as a family of 3. So sit back, nosh on something yum, and click around.

Heidi, Josh, & Max

PS: As we are first time bloggers, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only accept praise.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Hairy Situation

As if the diaper changes, drool-catching, booger snatching, and valiant efforts to still conceal the dark circles under my eyes weren't enough to solidify my existence in mommy history, check it:

My hair is falling out.

Yes, the inevitable has finally happened. My sub-par genetics in the tresses department and raising a 3.5 month old have joined forces, resulting in strands being left around the house and pretty much everywhere I go. It's like a stringy trail evidencing my whereabouts throughout the day. "Heidi Hairs", as Josh calls them, have been showing up in the strangest places. The other day, when I was changing the little guy, I pulled one out from his diaper. I grabbed the end with my fingertips, aghast, and started pulling it out from under his bum, slowly, slowly.......slowly....holy shit. He just gazed up at me looking utterly amused, as though he'd been knowingly hiding it in there and was just waiting for me to find it like the afikomen.

Other weird places my mane has shown up:

-Max's crib
-the glider in the nursery
-on the decorative mini Christmas tree centered on the kitchen table. Eew.
-in between Max's clenched fingers (yes, we've officially entered the "Ponytails Only" zone).
-in the car door

In other, non-follicle-related news, we are  gearing up for the holiday season! Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to spending the day with our families, all together at Josh's mom and stepdad's home. I've always felt lucky and blessed that our two families have come together so cohesively over the years and can celebrate special occassions together, not out of obligation, but rather because we all simply like each other. Technically, this will not be Max's first Thanksgiving. You see, it was last year's Thanksgiving that Josh and I discovered we were pregnant with the booger. Although we didn't tell anyone at the time as it was so early on in the pregnancy, Max was there with us all as we ate turkey and stuffing, laughed in the kitchen, and played board games. What a landmark to look back on.

Wow. Hair AND turkey. Bet you didn't see that coming. Bon appetite!

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