Welcome! Glad you're here.

Welcome, family and friends! In an attempt to avoid chronic and obsessive Facebook updates ("Max had an A+ burp this morning!") and grainy ultrasound picture's of baby's right elbow (. . . you mean, not each of my 400 friends care to see this?), here you will find updates on Baby Kaplan, our journey into parenthood (the good, the bad, and the drooly), and living as a family of 3. So sit back, nosh on something yum, and click around.

Heidi, Josh, & Max

PS: As we are first time bloggers, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only accept praise.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Orange you glad you wanted to know about my cravings?

Ok, so perhaps you weren't losing sleep over this, but you are visiting this page, so I have to assume you wouldn't mind knowing how the craving thing has been.

Backtracking just a bit, I want to touch on how momentous it was for Josh and I to break the news to the family that we're expecting. It was Christmas Eve, and we had just gotten our first ultrasound a few days prior. Our families were over at our house for dinner and holiday festivities, as this has become a tradition over time. After we all sat down to enjoy the dinner I made Costco made, Josh raised his glass to make a toast. A toast to the family for all being together, a toast to Arielle (Josh's sister) for graduating college, and finally, a toast to us for cooking a bun the the oven. The reaction of our loved ones was everything we had hoped for, and it was indeed a very Merry Christmas. Party favors included ultrasound photos for all who attended, 'cause we roll like that.

Arielle just found out she's going to be an aunt!

Zack, Arielle, and Andy with their first photos of Baby K

Anyhoo hoo, ever since then, the pregnancy has gone quite well. I had a little queasiness in the first trimester, but nothing close to what I would consider nausea. Cramping, swelling, and headaches have been few and far between, so it looks like I'm one of those pregnant ladies who's just been lucky (you may roll eyes now). To my friends who had/are having it much worse than me, I salute you. And I mean it.

Back to the cravings. I am proud to state that I have asked Josh to make a craving run only three times so far. The first was way in the beginning, and perhaps it was due to feeling that I SHOULD be craving something, or perhaps it was due to there being a cheeseburger superimposed over Josh's face every time we locked eyes. Whatever the case, I HAD to have one from Pinnacle Peak Grill. Why there, you ask? Easy, because Pinnacle Peak Grill is obscenely far from the house when negotiating the one monsoon to hit Arizona in the winter. As most of you reading this know, my hubby is fearless. Until it comes to me feeling neglected from food. True to form, he sweetly went out and braved the storm to retrieve my meat without objection.

Throw in  a few cooked sushi take-out runs, and that about sums up the first trimester cravings. The rest of the pregnancy has been dominated by an insatiable need for ORANGES and ORANGE JUICE. When Josh and I met up with some friends for dinner, I wasn't eyeing longingly at the martinis or cosmos at the bar, I was staring down the basket of oranges housed there to garnish the drinks. I've been eating/drinking oranges like they're becoming extinct. But it does the trick, and hey - I could be craving worse things.

Like the Hooters buffalo chicken sandwich - medium hot - that I had to consume within 10 minutes of realizing that I had to consume one.

Chicken is protein, so I'm good. Or I would have been good, had I not slurped up the buffalo sauce and treated the actual chicken breast like a parsley garnish.

At the end of the day, mommy's tummy is satisfied, and as Josh would say: "A happy wife is a happy life!" He actually doesn't say this. Honey, if you're reading this - can you start?


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