Welcome! Glad you're here.

Welcome, family and friends! In an attempt to avoid chronic and obsessive Facebook updates ("Max had an A+ burp this morning!") and grainy ultrasound picture's of baby's right elbow (. . . you mean, not each of my 400 friends care to see this?), here you will find updates on Baby Kaplan, our journey into parenthood (the good, the bad, and the drooly), and living as a family of 3. So sit back, nosh on something yum, and click around.

Heidi, Josh, & Max

PS: As we are first time bloggers, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only accept praise.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All Aboard!

Today marks 24 weeks and 1 day along in the pregnancy. That's like, over 6 months, ya'll. And if I had ever been guilty of being too caught up in the process of pregnancy, in the magic of the journey of it all, my doctor redeemed me at my latest OB appointment:

"So, what are we thinking - vaginal or C-section?"

Whoa. Hold on here, I'm 6 months along...shouldn't we still be stroking my arm and telling me how much of a glow I emit,  or keeping tabs on my cravings and thoughfully poking fun at my mood swings? Is it really THAT time, to start considering the actual.....birth? I felt the dynamic shift at this appointment; sleeves were being rolled up and plans were being made. Everything up until now was like carefully house-hunting, and now we were ready to buckle down and put in an offer.

"So, what are we thinking - the tuscan ranch, or the tudor on the cul-de-sac?"

Things reached a new level of "real" at my last appointment - I was strongly encouraged to register for prenatal classes at the hospital, "just in case you hadn't already" (oops), and was handed a lovely parting gift of sugar bomb juice for my glucose testing in a few weeks. My belly was measured for the first time. The train for the last stretch of pregnancy was leaving the station, and I hopped on with all the other freaked out preggos.

It wasn't too long after my appointment that I contacted my friend Shannon, an employee and former co-worker of mine at the hospital where I plan to deliver the little booger. She has been so insrumental in helping me through the logistics of my pregnancy, and her knowledge and willingness to support Josh and I has been palpable. I was no less thankful when she offered to give Josh and I our own, private OB tour at the hospital, as she often runs these tours for larger groups of expectant couples. We were so grateful - touring labor and delivery, seeing the waiting rooms, looking at the little sink in each room where baby gets his first bath - really brought it home for us that we are to be parents in less than 4 months.

We continue to nest of course, too - the nursery is almost done and looks beautiful. I hope that in between burps and poops and feedings and snoozing and poops and poops, he will actually be able to notice and enjoy the room that was created for him. Josh and I also sold our beautiful baby grand piano, which was gifted to us from my brother Andy. With his blessing, we put it up for sale and subsequently have made a lot more space in our front room for a future play area. It was genuinely difficult watching the piano be packed up and wheeled out the front door, but it's a small sacrafice to make room for the incredible journey that lies ahead.

Speaking of incredible journeys, Happy Passover everyone! On Monday, Josh and I and my side of the family went to our annual Passover dinner at my second cousin's home in Scottsdale. It was wonderful to see everyone, and it dawned on me that next year at this time, we will have a little additon to bring with us to the seder. Josh and I left after cocktail hour to attend Josh's mom and stepdad's seder, which was fabulous as well. Tradition is very important to us, and we love making memories year after year at these types of gatherings. They are always such fun!

I have been getting charlie horse cramps in my calf muscles (muscles which, in 28 years, have yet to make an appearance) that send me through to roof, but I'll leave the lamenting for another post.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

I blame the baby

Friends! Family! I've been told the past few weeks that many of you have tried to leave comments on blog postings, but were unable to do so or they never show up. You'll only hear me say this once, so get ready: this is my fault. I accidentally had the settings on my blog to not allow comments. The error has been fixed and I invite any and all words of encouragement, opinions about the blog, and most importantly, just how gosh darn cute I am.

23 Weeks: Me. 0 Weeks= Josh.
22 weeks


Friday, April 15, 2011

Trippy , man

Josh and I just got back a couple days ago from our trip to NY/NJ, and it was everything I'd hoped it would be! We started out going to Staten Island for Josh's cousin's wedding, which was beautiful, followed by the reception in New Jersey. The entire affair was elegant, fun, and romantic! Plus it was my first time wearing a legit maternity dress, so that's always fun.

Next up was heading into Manhattan, where Josh, my in-laws and I stayed in a browstone on the upper east side. We were lucky enough to see the Broadway shows La Cage and Jersey Boys, which were both phenomenal. Baby K did a little mixed martial arts on my insides during both shows. Already a critic.
Also on the agenda was a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Ground Zero, The Museum of Natural History, Carmine's (YUM!), and Times Square. Josh and I also had a dinner out with his friend and his fiance, at a restaurant he owns in the west village, and it was FAB. Had it not been for the miles of walking done each day, I'd have surely gained my own weight twice over with all the food I consumed.

Travelling has proven to be a little demanding now that I am almost 6 months along, which I realized after climbing flight after flight of stairs and my kneecaps subsequently feeling like dusty artifacts. My Carrie Bradshaw dreams were dashed when I spent more time walking like a hip replacement recipient than a girl about town. This trip was my last air travel until after our little bundle comes, but what a way to go!
I will leave you with the names the baby has been referred to by our family, as we will not tell anyone his name until he is born:

Baby K

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Spaghetti Squash and an Apple.

In approximately 9 hours, Josh and I will be rolling out of bed to get ready for our flight to New York City! The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. I'm as excited as someone who's never been east of the Mississippi. We are going with my father-in-law's side of the family for our cousin Lee's wedding, then extending the trip a few extra days to take in all that NYC has to offer. I keep imagining myself spinning around in the middle of 5th Avenue, shopping bags busting at the seams a-la Carrie Bradshaw. Only with a spaghetti squash-sized bundle of fun in my belly.

Yes people, the word is, at least according to my baby books, that our little man is now the size of a spaghetti squash, which I'm guessing is the Italian version of a regular squash.

His kicks have become so strong in the past few days, so purposeful. If this is what he's up to now, I wonder if the NYC vibe is going to transcend my tummy; if he's going to blend in with the locals' mentality and really bust me up this week.

I need to get out more.

Anyway, pictures to come, and thanks for stopping by :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Zoink! Pow! Kaboom!

The last month or so has been a pretty steady ride in terms of symptoms, and since about 18 weeks I have been blessed with one huge additional milestone: the kid can kick.

It's the best kind of abuse - swatting, jabbing, the occasional uppercut. The doctors were right, too - he is an ACTIVE one! At first I thought that's what they tell all mothers-to-be, a cute little footnote they squeeze in to each ultrasound appointment to give mommies an additional rush of my-baby's-so-unique! But upon asking my OB to just level with me, she insisted that our little guy is more active than most. He's been kung-fu-ing his way throughout my uterus, typically at night, when he probably senses mommy's eyelids getting heavy.

During our 20 week ultrasound (the biggie - when they measure baby's everything to make sure all is well), our ultrasound technician delicately informed us that it looked like our baby had what's called a "two vessel cord". Most babies have three vessels within their umbilical cords as passageways of sorts to help baby receive nutrients and expel waste. Rarely, a baby will only have two of these vessels, making it harder for the process to take place and can thus affect his fetal growth. The doctors assured me that most of the time, this does not present any sort of a problem. True to form, I left the appointment with every ounce of consciousness hinged on the phrase, "most of the time". The OB referred me to another prenatal care facility to keep track of our bundle's growth. Josh and I banded together and processed our emotions while striving to just stay positive. A week later, I was getting my next ultrasound to track things.

"Well.......I'm seeing three."

These were the words that lifted my spirit to the highest high. Within the first 30 seconds of ooey-gooey running over my belly, the tech noticed that the baby actually has his three vessels! I was so filled with emotions at that moment - gratitude, relief, love for our baby, and an intense desire to buy this woman a gift card to her steakhouse of choice. The bearer of good news has got to be the sweetest gig on the planet.

Life will present obstacles and opportunities to exercise your faith and inner strength. I feel lucky every minute of the day to be growing this little one, however nature intended him, and this mini-blip gifted us with the chance to truly realize it.

In nursery news, we have gotten it painted, and in the room sits the crib, changing table, and glider. The nursery is still in its infancy (oooh, PUNS!), and it's been such a thrill for Josh and I to watch it go from an empty space to the IHOD (International House Of Drooling). Josh and I had briefly considered painting the nursery and assembling everything ourselves, but then we remembered we are Jewish and proudly dialed up our favorite handyman.

More to come :)