Welcome! Glad you're here.

Welcome, family and friends! In an attempt to avoid chronic and obsessive Facebook updates ("Max had an A+ burp this morning!") and grainy ultrasound picture's of baby's right elbow (. . . you mean, not each of my 400 friends care to see this?), here you will find updates on Baby Kaplan, our journey into parenthood (the good, the bad, and the drooly), and living as a family of 3. So sit back, nosh on something yum, and click around.

Heidi, Josh, & Max

PS: As we are first time bloggers, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only accept praise.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

To poop, perchance to dream.

So one of the more exciting updates - about a week ago, Josh and I discovered Max's first social smiles! (read: not of the cheese-cutting variety). After a night of getting up every hour or two to tend to Mr. Max's screaming "requests", Josh and I were utterly exhausted come morning, when Max began to stir in his bassinet. We went over to him and leaned down to find him wide-eyed and bushy-tailed: warm, fed, dry, and SMILING! Our hearts skipped a beat as this was the first time we saw him actually smile out of contentment. As probably many new parents do, we immediately sprung into high-pitched voices, silly faces, waving limbs and tickles to his toes in order to perpetuate the smiles that he was already perfectly capable of accomplishing unassisted. His smile dropped for a minute, eyes widening with a look of confusion and doubt at this pair of clowns staring down at him. But then it returned, all gummy and glorious.

I have tried to snag a good photo of him in his beany state, but my camera's delay in snapping the pic has left me with about 35 blurry pictures in my Blackberry of a kid with his hand in his mouth/eyes closed/mid-fart.

Here's the closest stuff I've got:



Yes, I know this post has nothing to do with poopies, as the title suggests. But he does it a lot. There.

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