Welcome! Glad you're here.

Welcome, family and friends! In an attempt to avoid chronic and obsessive Facebook updates ("Max had an A+ burp this morning!") and grainy ultrasound picture's of baby's right elbow (. . . you mean, not each of my 400 friends care to see this?), here you will find updates on Baby Kaplan, our journey into parenthood (the good, the bad, and the drooly), and living as a family of 3. So sit back, nosh on something yum, and click around.

Heidi, Josh, & Max

PS: As we are first time bloggers, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only accept praise.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The journey continues, full speed ahead

Friends and family,

Since I know you're all refreshing the website at spastic intervals in hopes of a brand new entry appearing, voila! You may now sleep restfully. :)

The biggest news as of late has got to be my resignation from work. Although the position was very rewarding, and I will miss seeing some of my co-workers on a daily basis, it had become the right time for me to focus on the little booger's impending arrival, as well as allows for even more quality time with Josh. My last day is June 3rd. I will be licensed to practice therapy come summertime, and although going back to the workforce will be the last thing on my mind for awhile, it is good to know that I will have my LAC (licensed associate counselor) upon returning to the working world.

The extra time will also help me to prepare for the baby shower, though not much planning is required on my part (thank you for this, mommy and mom #2). They are organizing what I know will be a fun and fabulous way to celebrate BabyK! We have already started to receive gifts in the mail, and it's incredible to see our home slowly transform into a nest for 3. With every kick, I feel more and more ready to hold him in my arms.

Being almost 29 weeks, I continuously gauge my "nearness to the end" by how others respond to how far along I am. Comments range from, "Wow, that's coming up soon!" to, "Oh ok so you still have a little ways to go". Splitting the difference, I safely assume that I'm heading somewhere in the ballpark of "home stretch".

In nursery news, it is almost completely finished! The only things left to do are put in his book/toy shelf and hang his name letters on the wall. After utilizing our favorite handy-guy to do literally all the work on the nursery, Josh and I definitively agreed upon painting the letters ourselves, so that something was done by Mommy and Daddy. Well, besides bringing him into existence.
He has 50 years to thank us for that.

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